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Paint It Up! Applications for 2023 are OPEN!

From Crime Prevention Ottawa

Paint it Up! Deadlines Extended

Paint it Up! applications to CPO are now due on April 28, 2023. This application must include a location that has been approved by the City of Ottawa’s Mural Review Panel.

To receive location approval in time, the City of Ottawa recommends you submit your location approval request by April 6, 2023. Submission is through an online form. This process consists of the approval of your location preliminary concept/sketch of the mural. If you are approved for your location and receive Paint it Up! funding, submit a final design created with the youth and community to the City of Ottawa for final approval. For mural permit questions, you may contact By-Law and Regulatory Services at

Step 1: By Thursday, April 6, submit a location approval request online to the City of Ottawa, including a preliminary concept/sketch of the mural.

Step 2: By Friday, April 28, email your Paint it Up! application to CPO with your location approval included.

Step 3: If you receive Paint it Up! funds, work with the youth and community members to finalize the mural design and submit it to the City of Ottawa for final approval.

Paint it Up! Funding is for outdoor mural art projects that support vandalism prevention, youth empowerment, community safety and the beautification of Ottawa neighbourhoods. Projects must contribute to a clean, safe and beautiful city by engaging neighbourhoods and youth in a constructive learning process to create murals to prevent or deter tagging and vandalism.

For more information about funding, please visit for the program guidelines and application form. 

Applications must be e-mailed, by Friday, April 28th, 2023 to

Paint it Up! Funding Applications Available 

Funding is available for outdoor mural art projects that support vandalism prevention, youth empowerment, community safety and the beautification of Ottawa neighbourhoods. Projects must contribute to a clean, safe and beautiful city by engaging neighbourhoods and youth in a constructive learning process to create murals to prevent or deter tagging and vandalism.


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