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Trunk-or-treat For Dreams

From Dreams Take Flight

DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT OTTAWA changes the lives of at-risk children of the Ottawa/Gatineau region and we invite YOU to be a part of TRUNK OR TREAT FOR DREAMS!

We are Dreams Take Flight, a 100% volunteer-run charity that provides the trip of a lifetime to children in eastern Ontario and the Outaouais region who face medical, physical, social or emotional challenges. This trip is a whirlwind 24-hour magical adventure to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, where for one day these children realize the power of dreams and that anything is possible. We work with registered aid agencies, charities, and school boards to select 150+ children to come on flight each year. Air Canada donates the plane (!), however our volunteers work year-round to raise the funds required to make Flight Day happen each year for the children of our community (aircraft fuel, park admission, signature clothing to identify the group, spending money, souvenirs and gifts).

We know you to be a dear, valued member of the Ottawa/Gatineau community; a community partner that would undoubtedly help make this year’s Trunk-or-Treat a fabulous success.

Our friends at Giant Tiger Ltd. have graciously invited Dreams Take Flight Ottawa to not only utilize their home office outdoor space for our Trunk-or-Treat, but will also be supplying $1000.00 worth of candy from each Giant Tiger store in the Ottawa area for our invited community partners to give out to the children from their “trunks”/stations

The event will take place at Giant Tiger home office at 2480 Walkley Road on Sunday, October 29th, 2023 from 10:00a – 3:00p and will be a “pay what you can” entrance donation with 100% of the proceeds going to Dreams Take Flight Ottawa

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