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Distracted Driving and Speeding

From the City of Ottawa

  • Speeding and distracted driving are both inexcusable high-risk driving behaviours that can come with a very high cost – including your life or that of others.

  • From 2017-2021, there were 79 fatal and major injury collisions attributed to distracted driving on our city roads. The majority of these collisions occur during spring and summer months. Learn about the serious consequences of distracted driving here: New! Unlimited drive + text plan. Only $1,000 and three demerit points. | City of Ottawa

  • Another 209 collisions causing death or major injury within that same time frame were attributed to aggressive driving, such as speeding. Even if spared from major injury or death, the fines, vehicle repair costs, and higher insurance rates simply aren’t worth it.

  • You’ve likely noticed an increase in the number of automated speed enforcement cameras placed around the city over the past couple of years. They work – data collected before and after installation shows an average of 200% increase in compliance with the speed limit, which in turn reduces the risk of collisions and injuries as a result.

  • There are currently 24 cameras installed near schools, with another 16 locations awaiting installation. Four of these planned locations are within areas along high-speed roadways and are being piloted to determine their effectiveness at reducing the number of high-speed drivers and incidences of street racing. These locations are listed here: Automated Enforcement. The location of each active camera is also available via the City’s online traffic map.

  • The funds collected from tickets issued are all reinvested in road safety engineering, education, and enforcement initiatives as part of the Road Safety Action Plan. To learn of these many initiatives underway, please visit Road Safety Action Plan | City of Ottawa


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