From the City of Ottawa

Folloe the latest at Engage Ottawa!
New Public Sessions [July 24, 2023]
As part of the 2021 Lansdowne Park Partnership report, Council approved a robust, city-wide public engagement strategy. The strategy was the result of the collaborative work between staff and the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG), with the input of Council Sponsors Groups, the Stakeholder Sounding Board, and the assistance of an external consultant.
Since that time, City of Ottawa staff have launched the project website, hosted three public information sessions on April 27, May 17, and July 13, 2023, have been holding a series of coffee chats, have met with the Ambassadors Working Group, and have released various public surveys. Staff are also currently hosting a series of pop-up events on site to encourage resident participation and engagement, and to gather additional feedback. The Director holds weekly meetings with the Ward Councillor, transportation specific workshops, and engages with key stakeholders on a regular basis. Staff have received thousands of survey responses, with over 13,500 unique Engage Ottawa visits, hundreds of public comments, notes of feedback, and have had several hundred Public Information Session participants.
As part of the upcoming OPA and ZBLA and staff report, the City will be hosting another public information session. This public session has been scheduled for September 6 th at the request of the Ward Councillor and to allow for additional time for consideration by the community. The session will be a similar format to the July 13th session. Residents can register here: September 6 at 6:00 p.m. (register here)