From the Ward-3 office

Recently, #Barrhaven was fortunate to have OC Transpo general manager, Renée Amilcar, to come tour our community! We had many chats with transit riders at Tunney's pasture, Amazon, and in Half Moon Bay to identify some of the transit needs in the community. I look forward to following up in the coming months!
Discussion with Sung
First up, we had some great discussions at OC Transpo's Tunney's Pasture! Sung uses transit (88 and 111) weekly to get to Carleton. A next step would be improved consistency, but he has found that there has recently been positive progress. Thanks for the chat! #ottcity
Chat with Amika
Next up, we ran into Amika, who is a frequent user of our transit system and relies on it to get across the city! With the help of Google maps, and the OC Transpo tracker, she finds the commute around Ottawa easy and fast! For feedback, Amika feels that consistency, cleanliness, and better communication at the stations would help our transit! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Talk with Amazon Employees
Next up, Renée and I stopped to chat with some employees from the Barrhaven Amazon warehouse. Jawaad says that accessible public transit is key for Amazon employees, with more than 50% of associates using transit after the night shift! Some suggested areas of improvement include route support for early mornings, in terms of availability and consistency, as well as a larger bus stop and shelter to accommodate the larger travel volumes. Thank you for the great discussion!
Half Moon Bay Visit and Discussion
We also ran into Vipul on our tour of Barrhaven and its transit. As a Half Moon Bay Resident, Vipul would like to see more transit options to downtown during morning rush hour, as well as more reliability. Vipul said that if local routes were improved, he would absolutely consider using OC Transpo for day-to-day commutes!
Discussion at Marketplace with Vern
Finally we had a conversation with Vern regarding the practical application and use of existing infrastructure to improve the accessibility of transit and mobility for residents. This was a great tour day and thank you, Renée, for taking the time to visit Barrhaven and hear the voices of residents! We hope you enjoyed the series and the feedback that was shared for better public transit!