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Who, when and how? Councillors want answers on developer donations to wards

Lingering debate over developer money has many yearning for clarity

Quoted From CBC, Elyse Skura

Orléans East-Cumberland Coun. Matt Luloff, left shows Orléans West-Innes Coun. Laura Dudas something on his phone, while Barrhaven West Coun. David Hill looks on at a meeting last week. Dudas and Hill want to know more about how the Groupe Katasa donation was negotiated. (Jean Delisle/CBC)

Some are in favour of developers being able to donate to wards. Others are staunchly against. Ottawa city councillors do agree there need to be clear rules on how these negotiations work. 

A $300,000 donation from Groupe Katasa for traffic calming and affordable housing in Capital ward is no longer, but the debate it sparked is still causing ripples around the council table. 

Council directed staff to formulate a policy, although Mayor Mark Sutcliffe said he believes the city doesn't need one since it should "discontinue" the practice going forward

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