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Barrhaven Towers Proposal (McGarry)

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Councillor's Comments

Newsletter - August 30, 2024

There was an article that came out this week from CityNews regarding the application to the City for a 26 and 35 story tower at Marketplace and McGarry. (See an article written in the Barrhaven Independent on this topic here as well).  If you missed the discussion, see the link to the public meeting here.  There were some very insightful concerns highlighted: traffic safety, parking, stormwater, sidewalk width, setbacks, greenspace, senior supports, tax implications, shadowing impacts, emergency service access as a few examples.  As this application is within the parameters of the Official Plan, and as this is a textbook example of transit-oriented intensification, I am supportive.  I will be working with residents, community associations, tenant boards, city staff and the proponent in order to mitigate the many very legitimate concerns as best as possible.  I understand that there are apprehensions, but I do believe that we are better off to work with the applicant to mitigate these issues than to push back (and then subsequently lose an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal). To be clear, my two priorities for this development are to: 1. Maximize the number of units that are suitable for downsizing local senior citizens and 2. To ensure the optimal traffic design for the surrounding area in support of the tower.  I very much appreciated the engagements to date on this topic and I highly encourage anyone that is interested in this file to watch the public meeting because it gives a very good overview of the project and highlights the principal concerns and initial responses. I am happy to discuss this further if you wish!

Newsletter - August 16, 2024

Newsletter - July 26, 2024

Public Meeting

August 12, 2024

Official City Application

Can be found here

In the News

August 28, 2024

Ward Councillor David Hill has said numerous times he is in support of the project as long as it is appropriate living for older adults and addresses traffic concerns.

“I support the application as it comes in, but the two things I think I can have an influence on in order to mitigate the biggest concerns are to get as much of this for senior citizens and the other is for road safety,” Hill said at a community meeting for the project.

July 31, 2024

Barrhaven West Coun. David Hill is supportive of the proposal but would like to see a few amendments made.

“Two issues that I plan to represent hard before this file comes to committee in October is that I would like to encourage the developer to maximize the building usage for local seniors looking to downsize, and to ensure good safety measures on the McGarry Terrace drive as it becomes completed to Marketplace,” Hill wrote in his weekly newsletter.

Hill noted to the Barrhaven Independent in an interview that he would like to see a series of cheaper and smaller units be constructed as part of the plan.

“One of the problems I hear from people is we have apartments in Barrhaven, but they are on the higher end and they are difficult for someone on a fixed income to afford,” he said. “What we can do on the market rate side to keep them affordable is to have less premiums. That could include  laminate countertops instead of quartz, laminate flooring instead of hardwood, and smaller square footage.”

July 23, 2024

There is a proposal to build one of Ottawa's tallest residential buildings in Barrhaven. CTV's Tyler Fleming has reaction from residents.

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